I'm feeling kinda blue today, feels so wrong to be this way on a friday night!
Should be out enjoying myself instead of sulking here but whatever.
Some people just suck.
My big 'O 21st birthday party is next Saturday and Sunday.
Booked my party venue months ago, confirmed my cake and food order today
and most of the decorations are planned and done.
Spent a fortune on everything, For food and venue and decorations
so far I've already spend $2200.
I'm nuts i know. but oh wells, It's not everyday a young lady turns 21!
Lol, i sound like Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,
the part when he tells Harry Potter,
"It's not everyday your young man turns 11 now is it?"
Anyway, finally tried my zoom lens thingy on my Panasonic GF-2 the other day,
i haven't tried it since i got it like 4 months ago wtf lol.
I bought my GF2 as a set of two lens, the pancake lens and zoom lens.
Here's some of my test shots:

Hahahah, the christmas sock is still hanging on my wall
since my mum hung me my christmas present there last christmas.


Ok bye bye, have a good weekend!
Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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